
Keynote Speaker:
1. Aloysius Budi
(Chief Corporate Human Capital Development, PT Astra International, tbk.)
2. Fachrurozi
(Director General of the Directorate for Supervision of Labor and Occupational Health and Safety, Ministry of Manpower, Republic of Indonesia)

1. Ari Sutrisno
Director of Business Development, Human Capital, SHE, & SRGS
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
2. Willy Ari Utomo
Division Head HSE
PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor
3. Chew Siak Kor
Glodon Software Sdn. Bhd.
4. Anas Dwi Vidianto
Cloud, Cybersecurity & Operation Division Head
PT Astra International
5. Prof. Dr. dr. Zulkifli Djunaidi, M.App.Sc.
Professor of Faculty of Public Health
Universitas Indonesia
1. Kementrian Tenaga Kerja Republik Indonesia
"A robust national environmental health and safety policy will serve as a strategic framework for Indonesia to achieve its vision of a prosperous,sustainable, and resilient nation by 2045 as Indonesia Emas"

2. Industrial Experties
“Technology innovation in safety can serve as a competitive advantage for company”
“How company creates safety working environment and become the winning company“
“Cyber secutiry and data protection : effective strategies cycber security in the era of digital transformation“

3. Academic
" Safety education to develop future work labour in preparing 2045 Indonesia Emas"

Day: Thursday
Date: 17 October 2024

Location: Hybrid:
Offline: Safety Riding & Training Center - Astra Honda Motor.
Jl. Edelweis , Pasir Ranji, Kec Cikarang Pusat , Kab Bekasi Jawa Barat.
Online: Zoom Meeting.