
Keynote Speaker:
1. Kementrian Tenaga Kerja Republik Indonesia
"A robust national environmental health and safety policy will serve as a strategic framework for Indonesia to achieve its vision of a prosperous,sustainable, and resilient nation by 2045 as Indonesia Emas"

2. Industrial Experties
“Technology innovation in safety can serve as a competitive advantage for company”
“How company creates safety working environment and become the winning company“
“Cyber secutiry and data protection : effective strategies cycber security in the era of digital transformation“

3. Academic
" Safety education to develop future work labour in preparing 2045 Indonesia Emas"

Day: Thursday
Date: 17 October 2024

Location: Hybrid:
Offline: Safety Riding & Training Center - Astra Honda Motor.
Jl. Edelweis , Pasir Ranji, Kec Cikarang Pusat , Kab Bekasi Jawa Barat.
Online: Zoom Meeting.