About the Journal

Astratech International Conference (AIC) is an international seminar organized by ASTRA Polytechnic. This seminar was previously known as the National Seminar "Energy Efficiency to Increase the Competitiveness of the National Manufacturing & Automotive Industry" which is usually abbreviated as SNEEMO. This edition is back with the topic "Technological Innovations for Industrial Safety: Towards a Safer and More Efficient Work Environment".

Title :  Proceedings ASTRAtech International Conference
Initials :  AIC
Online ISSN Submission
Scope :  Engineering (Mechanical, Industrial, Civil, Informatics)
Editor-in-chief Dr. Yohanes Tri Joko Wibowo, S.T., M.T.
Journal Manager Ir. Indra Setiawan, S.T., M.T.
Publisher :  ASTRA Polytechnic
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Frequency :  Annual - October
Type :  Conference