Increasing productivity of stamping press manufacturing using ahp and objective matrix methods
analytical hierarchy process, objective matrix, performance, productivity, stamping pressAbstract
This study aims to understand the level of company productivity in a more structured way and provide suggestions to improve and increase productivity in the stamping press section in order to achieve the set production volume. The focus of this study is a company that produces automotive components, including car accessories and spare parts, especially in the Stamping Press Manufacturing section. Samples taken during the period July 2023 to June 2024 were from the stamping press production area. To determine the productivity index value, a productivity measurement method called Objective matrix was used, with an analysis of factors that influence productivity using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results of this study indicate that there is the most significant decrease in productivity at ratios 4 and 5. In addition, the analysis of ratio 5 revealed that the cause of the decrease in productivity is related to product quality, where the high defect rate occurs because the product is scratched due to damaged dies components that have not been replaced. Suggestions for improvement that can be submitted for ratio 5 are the installation of a digital counter equipped with an alarm system as a reminder to check, while for ratio 4, the influencing factors are high working hours and low production results caused by the lubrication process on the dies. The suggested improvement for ratio 4 is to reduce the lubrication frequency to every 20 strokes.
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