Certificate digitalization for information security in verification


  • Eko Abdul Goffar ASTRA Polytechnic
  • Rieta Pinky Nurul Arifah ASTRA Polytechnic




extreme programming, e-certificate, qr code, system development life cycle


The rapid advancement of technology has made information access more convenient, but this ease is often misused for fraudulent purposes, such as manipulating TOEFL certificates, graduation certificates, and other important documents. These forgeries are challenging to detect, raising doubts about the validity and authenticity of such documents. To address this issue, this paper aims to ensure the authenticity and validity of certificates by developing an e-certificate system integrated with a QR Code-based verification mechanism. This approach minimizes the risk of forgery and strengthens trust in document verification processes. The system is built using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach with the Extreme Programming methodology. This includes stages of planning, where a detailed activity plan is created; design, where the Physical Data Model (PDM) and user interfaces are developed; and implementation, where the designs are transformed into a functional program. These stages are iterated continuously to ensure the system meets user needs. The proposed system features an admin module for managing activities, creating certificates, and handling user data. Participants, on the other hand, can validate certificates by scanning QR Codes and downloading their verified certificates. By integrating these functionalities, the e-certificate system offers a reliable solution to verify document authenticity and protect the integrity of the information contained within. This innovation is expected to significantly reduce forgery incidents and enhance the security of important documents in various applications.

Author Biographies

Eko Abdul Goffar, ASTRA Polytechnic

Informatic Management Department

Rieta Pinky Nurul Arifah, ASTRA Polytechnic

Informatic Management Department


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How to Cite

Abdul Goffar, E., & Rieta Pinky Nurul Arifah. (2024). Certificate digitalization for information security in verification. Proceedings ASTRAtech International Conference, 1(October), 75–82. https://doi.org/10.52453/aic.v1iOctober.460