Design of teaching factory based learning system in supply chain management at politeknik astra
education, human resources, supply chain, tefaAbstract
The supply chain and production logistics processes are essential components of daily activities across various aspects of modern life and play a critical role in global development. A strong human resource base within an organization can enhance operational efficiency, strengthen collaboration with suppliers, and optimize the delivery of goods to customers. Skill enhancement is one avenue for improvement, particularly through education. The Teaching Factory (TEFA) is one of the learning methods that must be implemented in vocational education. TEFA concept is a field-based learning approach designed to bridge the competency gap between the knowledge imparted in schools and the needs of the industrial world. Teaching factory requires thorough preparation because all learning activities adapt and adopt quality standards and work procedures in the industry. This research will discuss how to design TEFA-based practical work. Based on the development of the TEFA-based learning design, the learning activities are conducted over a duration of 16 practical working days, involving 18 small groups divided into three areas: materials, production, and delivery. The module-based learning activities consist of completing 7 modules, while the TEFA activities involve 27 field activities which refers to the basic function of logistics competence and all of which are implemented in real production activities.
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