Job safety analysis and risk assessment on gas analyzer in vocational automotive workshop


  • Gusman Arrosyid Saputra ASTRA Polytechnic
  • Rusdi Febriyanto ASTRA Polytechnic
  • Afitro Adam Nugraha ASTRA Polytechnic
  • Andreas Edi Widyartono ASTRA Polytechnic
  • Lukman Wijanarno ASTRA Polytechnic
  • I Gusti Nyoman Kesawa ASTRA Polytechnic
  • Ajib Rosadi ASTRA Polytechnic



automotive workshop, gas analyzer, job safety analysis, risk assessment, work safety


The implementation of occupational safety and health (OHS) in vocational automotive workshops is essential to ensure safety for all parties involved. Potential hazards that can arise in the workshop environment, such as hazardous gas leakage when using a Gas Analyzer, noise, fire, and poor air circulation, require proper identification and control. This study aims to analyze the potential for work accidents and conduct a risk assessment on the use of Gas Analyzer in vocational automotive workshops. The methods used in this research are Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and Risk Assessment. JSA is conducted to identify potential hazards and formulate preventive measures, while Risk Assessment is used to assess the level of risk based on the impact and likelihood of occurrence of hazards. The findings show that there are 10 hazards identified as potential accidents. Some significant potential work accidents, such as gas leaks, exposure to hazardous gases, and the risk of explosion due to use in areas without adequate ventilation. Based on the risk assessment, accidents due to exposure to exhaust heat is a critical risk that requires immediate preventive action. This study emphasizes the importance of work safety management through the implementation of SOPs and proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce the risk of accidents

Author Biographies

Gusman Arrosyid Saputra, ASTRA Polytechnic

Automotive Engineering

Rusdi Febriyanto, ASTRA Polytechnic

Heavy Equipment Maintenance Engineering Technology

Afitro Adam Nugraha, ASTRA Polytechnic

Automotive Engineering

Andreas Edi Widyartono, ASTRA Polytechnic

Automotive Engineering

Lukman Wijanarno, ASTRA Polytechnic

Automotive Engineering

I Gusti Nyoman Kesawa, ASTRA Polytechnic

Automotive Engineering

Ajib Rosadi, ASTRA Polytechnic

Automotive Engineering


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How to Cite

Saputra, G. A. ., Febriyanto, R., Nugraha, A. A., Widyartono, A. E., Wijanarno, L., I Gusti Nyoman Kesawa, & Ajib Rosadi. (2024). Job safety analysis and risk assessment on gas analyzer in vocational automotive workshop. Proceedings ASTRAtech International Conference, 1(October), 42–48.