Design simulation waste water treatment plant with off-site system method in pulp and paper company


  • Rustam Sihombing Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Rhaina Annisa Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Moh. Mawan Arifin Universitas Borobudur
  • Ovi Dwi Juliastuti Universitas Mercu Buana



concentration reduction, filtration method, off-site system, river water quality, wastewater treatment plant


The pulp and paper industry processes waste water through Integrated Waste Water Treatment Plants (IPAL) by utilizing Waste Water Treatment Plants (IPAL) to process liquid waste before being discharged into river basins (DAS). Wastewater treatment technology in industrial environments can be applied using biological, chemical, or physical methods, depending on the characteristics of the waste. This research focuses on wastewater treatment in the pulp and paper industry using an off-site system with a filtration model. Water quality is evaluated using the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) parameter, which shows the amount of oxygen needed to decompose organic matter that pollutes river areas (DAS). BOD calculations in river basin systems are carried out by designing a simulation model using a waterfall flow system and volume control. The verification results show that in general the concentration of pollutants at the 24 watershed sampling points in the simulation model is always lower than the actual measurements. The simulation model design produces a BOD value of 11.648 μg/m³, while the actual measurement is 16.56 μg/m³. Similarly, the SO₂ concentration was 6.17 μg/m³ based on the simulation model, compared to 16.12 μg/m³ in the actual measurements. 

Author Biographies

Rustam Sihombing, Universitas Mercu Buana

Master of Industrial Engineering Program

Rhaina Annisa, Universitas Mercu Buana

Master of Industrial Engineering Program

Moh. Mawan Arifin, Universitas Borobudur

Department of Industrial Engineering

Ovi Dwi Juliastuti, Universitas Mercu Buana

Master of Industrial Engineering Program


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How to Cite

Rustam Sihombing, Rhaina Annisa, Moh. Mawan Arifin, & Ovi Dwi Juliastuti. (2024). Design simulation waste water treatment plant with off-site system method in pulp and paper company. Proceedings ASTRAtech International Conference, 1(October), 83–93.