Microcontroller-based prototype design for bird pest repellent technology in agriculture
buzzer, esp8622, pest detection technology, pir sensorAbstract
Rice is a fundamental pillar in the diet of the Indonesian people. The New Order government's investment in the Green Revolution during the 1970s and 1980s reinforced the role of rice in culture and tradition. Dependence on local rice production is crucial for food security, but farmers face serious challenges related to bird pest attacks, particularly from the bondol bird, which can harm crop yields. Farmers have adopted various strategies, including scarecrows and chemicals, but their effectiveness tends to be limited. The focus of this study is to design bird pest detection technology by implementing a detection system in rice fields. As a solution, an automatic bird pest repellent is proposed using a PIR sensor, buzzer, and Esp8622 microcontroller. Although promising, challenges and effectiveness need to be evaluated through periodic data collection. The aim of this research is to identify potential technological solutions to mitigate bird attacks and improve crop yield resilience in Indonesia's agricultural sector.
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