Optimization of the inspection process using business process improvement methods


  • Zarya Sophia Mazidah Telkom University
  • Marina Yustiana Lubis Telkom University
  • Hadi Susanto Telkom University




business process improvement, customer complaints, inspection, ISO 9001:2015, quality control


Companies must ensure that the products and services produced are in accordance with established standards. To ensure that products are in accordance with customer desires, companies can implement quality control in the form of inspection activities. Inspection is essential to control quality, as well as detect products that do not meet standards. This is done to comply with the requirements in ISO 9001:2015 clause 8.1 concerning operational planning and control. In this research case study, it is known that Kaffa Indonesia received customer complaints about clothing products received. Complaints include wrong sizes, untidy stitching, incorrect types of goods, holes, and oil stains on clothing. Defective clothing products received by customers can occur due to an unstructured inspection process so there are defective goods that get through. The solution to this problem is to improve the inspection process using the Business Process Improvement (BPI) method and design a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) along with supporting documents. In this study, improvements were made to the inspection process by implementing streamlining tools. The business proposal process can reduce errors in the form of defects that get through to customers so that it can reduce customer complaints. In the proposed SOP there are supporting documents in the form of checksheet forms for documentation purposes. This proposed SOP is intended to optimize the inspection process to minimize customer complaints regarding clothing products produced by Kaffa Indonesia. The results of this study were a reduction of 2 non-value added activity in business process and standardization in the inspection process.

Author Biographies

Zarya Sophia Mazidah, Telkom University

Faculty of Industrial Engineering

Marina Yustiana Lubis, Telkom University

Faculty of Industrial Engineering

Hadi Susanto, Telkom University

Faculty of Industrial Engineering


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How to Cite

Zarya Sophia Mazidah, Marina Yustiana Lubis, & Hadi Susanto. (2024). Optimization of the inspection process using business process improvement methods. Proceedings ASTRAtech International Conference, 1(October), 6–12. https://doi.org/10.52453/aic.v1iOctober.441