Smart industrial fan monitoring system for the implementation of sustainable development goals


  • Lutfia Nisa Artanti Astra Polytechnic
  • Syahril Ardi ASTRA Polytechnic
  • M. Herdimas R.D PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor
  • Lin Prasetyani ASTRA Polytechnic
  • Sakti Arya Wiseka PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor
  • Afianto ASTRA Polytechnic



carbon emissions, energy efficiency, monitoring system, SDGs


The development of the Fourth Industry is driving the manufacturing industry towards the era of smart manufacturing. In this transformation, various existing equipment, machines, processes, or devices are reinstalled with various sensors, computing, and other cyber-physical systems. In the current era of Industry 4.0, the automotive manufacturing industry continues to move towards sustainable development in a digital process framework so that real-time control and monitoring can be carried out. This study aims to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in the automotive manufacturing industry through the implementation of a PLC-based control and monitoring system. This system uses PLC and HMI for Industrial Fan control automation. The methodology used includes collecting energy consumption data through a power meter before and after system implementation, then analyzing the data to evaluate energy savings. The results of the study show that the system is able to reduce energy consumption by 20%, equivalent to savings of 122.66496 kWh per year, and reduce carbon emissions by 10.672 TCO2 per year. The implementation of this system supports energy efficiency and contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals target.

Author Biographies

Lutfia Nisa Artanti, Astra Polytechnic

Mechatronics Department

Syahril Ardi, ASTRA Polytechnic

Mechatronics Department

M. Herdimas R.D, PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor

Body Department

Lin Prasetyani, ASTRA Polytechnic

Mechatronics Department

Sakti Arya Wiseka, PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor

Body Department

Afianto, ASTRA Polytechnic

Mechatronics Department


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How to Cite

Lutfia Nisa Artanti, Ardi, S., M. Herdimas R.D, Lin Prasetyani, Sakti Arya Wiseka, & Afianto. (2024). Smart industrial fan monitoring system for the implementation of sustainable development goals. Proceedings ASTRAtech International Conference, 1(October), 1–5.